Referenzen Aurelia e.V. Erfahrungen mit dem BLAUEN STUDIENFACHPROGRAMM Meeresbiologie Ökologie Ozeanographie
„Thank you
Dear Jasmin, dear Emilio
Here in Zurich school started again this week. My students are all back from holiday and have very good memories of the project week on Sardinia.
I’ve put your pictures together with mine on a dropbox, Emilio (in two different folders, thought). I send you and Jasmin the link for it. So you can have a look at the pictures I have taken. There are some very nice ones of you and the students, Emilio – I’m sure you will like them! [Bilder]
I’m absolutely stunned about your underwater pictures, Emilio! You are a true artist! Thank you very much for letting us have those 20 pictures!
I’ve sent you the money according to your invoice. I felt free to add a donation of Euro 200. Your help and your present meant a lot to us! Thanks again for everything! I really hope we’ll stay in touch!
And to you, Jasmin, thanks a lot, too. Thanks for getting us in contact with Emilio. And thanks for helping us with the general organisation of the whole week.
I send you best greetings and wish you all the best,
Beda Brun del Re
Dipl. Molekularbiologe & Mittelschullehrer
Lehrer für Biologie und Informatik am Literargymnasium Rämibühl (LGR)